Saturday, October 21, 2017

Braiding Traffic

I just need to say one thing. . . LOS ANGELES DRIVERS ARE CRAZY!!!  (My apologies to any Los Angelos readers who are used to your traffic! but Oh. My. Heck. )

I've been in Los Angeles for the last few days with my sixth child. She just got a promotion to be a manager for PF Changs and has relocated to California. I came out to keep her company for a week, and as such got the privilege of driving with her for 30 miles and 2 hours to work! I was ok with the commute because it gave us time to talk which was awesome! I got to keep her car during the day so I didn't have to hang out at the restaurant for 10 hours before we went home. I chose to drive back through the traffic and go back to her apartment in Ventura County. Every day.

So . . . with Google Maps as my best friend, I drove the 405 myself. People are NUTS!

There are so many one-person per car drivers that are trying to get places as fast as possible. I have never noticed so many lane changes in such a short distance in my life! As I observed these drivers during the week I started to notice something. The traffic looked like it was braiding the lanes on the highway. I started to enjoy the experience and found it fascinating that so many people could drive so aggressively and not get into an accident!

I have also never seen such quick lane changes! They just zipped back and forth as if the traffic was going too slow. (in all actuality, it was. When I wasn't stopped, I drove 5-8 miles per hour).

The first day I drove in the far right lanes and went my own speed that I was comfy with. If I was too slow, I knew they would zip around me and pass. (I found out the middle lane was best when I took an unexpected detour through some part of LA that I had no idea where I was, but it was a tad deserted and dark! again, thank goodness for Google maps!)

By the end of the week I was doing some fancy traffic braiding myself! AND lived to tell about it!

I learned a few things while I've had this unexpected opportunity.

First, I can drive in LA traffic and be successful.

Second, driving in LA traffic takes a LOT of time! Usually I spend that time doing my exercises. I haven't been as successful with my workouts there as I usually am because of the time it takes for that commute! I even wore my workout clothes with good intentions, and it didn't matter! I just ended up wearing the workout clothes all day without bathing because they were comfortable!!! (Thank goodness Rachel will be changing restaurants next week that will cut her commute time!)

Third, I am gaining more empathy, understanding, compassion, and love for my children who insist on being their own adult person and not my little child. I find that while our lifestyles don't necessarily match, I love my children fiercely! I love spending time with them, and it doesn't matter which child it is, I cry like a little baby when I have to tell them good-bye . . . even if they drive me to the airport in their lion costume that we bought together for Halloween! . . . mine is a unicorn . . . hahahahaha. Just making memories folks, just making memories!

Rachel in her Lion Costume - which she wore to take
me to the LA Airport...
Me in my Unicorn costume

Sara holding Canyon, The Hubster, and Alek. I cried like a
baby telling these kids goodbye just 2 weeks earlier!

Fourth is that Shakeology really does help with energy and cravings. While I haven't been able to workout like I would like to, I did drink my nutrient dense shake every day! Having Fibromyalgia and having to get up at 5:45 a.m. more days than I would like (which is I don't like to get up in the morning), and spending most of this week in traffic for 5-6  hours a day, I expected to have to rest more than I did. Instead I was able to clean the apartment and car to get rid of all the dog hair that she ended up being allergic to, as well as painting a landscape for her apartment. . . The day that I forgot to drink the shakeology until after dinner I craved Diet Coke ALL DAY! I finally just bought a small one - mmmmm. It still tastes as good as I remember - and when I got home I had my shake. I didn't miss a day after that!

Oh the meaning in this picture. Rachel knows all the symbolism in it.

Fifth and final is that God is merciful to those that ask. He places tender mercies in our lives when we need them (ie; my health this week), And when we aren't aware of His presence (I tried to feel His spirit with me all week, but sometimes I got so busy I forgot to "feel"). And He blesses us with people and knowledge at the times we need it most. (This one is personal, so you'll just have to trust me). Sometimes we don't see His hand in our lives until after the journey. But if we take the time to reflect, we can see his footprints and influence woven throughout our lives . . . much like I observed the Los Angeles traffic braiding the lanes on the highway.

I feel very blessed to have had a week with my sweet daughter. I miss being a young mom. I miss having my children around me every day. I miss their funny-ness and the entertainment value that young children bring to our lives. I miss THEM!

The only thing that makes it ok for my children to move on, is that I have some great children-spouses that I love as much as I love my children - so now I have 12 children so far! And with those marriages come an even greater blessing. My grandchildren. . . who are just as funny and entertaining as their parents were!

My children and grandchildren at Cornbelly's today. Not all, but most are here. 

Sometimes God puts unexpected blessings in our lives as an added bonus. This past week was one for me. I feel very humbled that I was able to braid traffic, spend time with my awesome family, and see the hand of God in my life while having the health to enjoy all of the above!

Shakeology Recipe in LA

Good ole chocolate, in a shaker bottle with 12 oz water and a little ice! . . . you can drink it while you drive on the freeway!