Saturday, August 26, 2017


It has been a TOUGH week!

This week hasn't been so pleasant health wise. I've had my share of migraines and fibro-pain, but the thing that threw my week into a whirlwind is the stupid

Man! When that hits me, it just throws me into a loop!
I wake up ANGRY that I didn't get any sleep! At least it feels that way to me!
I'm pissed off the whole night because I toss and turn, and WANT to sleep, but I just CAN'T! Have you ever woken up angry? It just seems to last the whole day!

And I sleep next to my cuddly hubster and he falls asleep within MINUTES of his head hitting the pillow! 

Do you know what it's like to not be able to sleep, while you are laying there by someone who is stealing your zzzz's?

Yeah. It's not so fun!

I woke up so ticked off that my first thing to do was to look up
"ugly people" on google images to be able to post a picture of what I felt like. . . Not a great idea. I felt worse than that and it wasn't fair to those people to post their pictures on a post where I am ranting!

So I looked up insomnia cartoons on pinterest. That was better. I wasn't labeling people and some of the cartoons made me laugh, which was just what I needed!

Although I woke up feeling crappy, I was disciplined enough to do my yoga. I actually had missed a few days due to just feeling wiped out from the Fibromyalgia and Migraines that I started the 3rd week over. I'm so glad that I did. 

After stretching out and warming up, I already felt better, and it helped with the migraine that I had from lack of sleep. Yoga and a medical cocktail that is. (Thank you Dr. G!)

By the time the yoga was done 30 minutes later, I felt better than I did when I got up and was able to go about my day. I thought I'd sleep better but....

.... I stayed up til after midnight again because my brain was too awake from lack of sleep! I know that sounds so backwards, but that is INSOMNIA! It's a wicked little brain trick. . . my brain won't shut off. . . 

When I have insomnia, I lay there, and do this!

At that point I do one of a few things. 
  • Turn on the TV
  • Pin Pinterest on Insomnia, Migraine or Fibromyalgia, because I KNOW what is coming in the morning...
  • Go eat something. Sometimes I don't realize I'm hungry. It takes energy to sleep. These are the times that I think of the little ones that have to go to bed without food. It makes me sad. If I can't sleep because of this, and they are in the same situation, how do they function and learn and grow. . . which makes my insomnia worse. Prayer helps.
  • Turn around on my bed so my head is facing the bottom, and turn on my heating pad to keep my feet warm.
  • Cuddle with the hubster. I like this one.

While I was doing my insomnia research, I found this graphic above. That's a scary thing for most of us. I think Insomnia is pretty wide spread, and I don't think people realize how serious it can be.

There is help out there. My neurologist has given me some help. I am not a medical expert, neither do I fancy being sued or held accountable for other peoples medical problems, so if you need medical help with this, go see your doctor.

But I can pass on the advice my doc gave me:

  • go to bed at a set time every night
  • turn the lights down low 1 hour before bedtime
  • don't watch t.v. in bed, or read, or anything electronic
  • stop all electronic devices when you turn the lights down low
  • sleep in a cool room
  • don't consume caffeine . . . AT ALL

So, it's been three nights without a good nights sleep. My fibro and migraines are having a party in my body. 


I have kept up on my exercises for those three days
and I have drunk my shakeology.

I grog around my house until about 8pm, and then I wake up.
But guess what?

And that is my plan!

Although I am on a health and fitness journey, I have to allow my body to rest when it needs it,
eat nutritious food and learn to say "NO". 
(I have a really difficult time with that last one!)

But when this flare is over.... I'm coming back as the FIRE!

Have a great day everyone!

Shakeology Recipe of the day:

Double Chocolate Peanut Butter

In a blender add:
8-12 oz cold water
1 scoop chocolate vegan shakeology
2 tsp natural peanut butter or other nut butter
1 green container spinach
1/2 tablespoon natural cocoa
1/4 tsp cayenne pepper (anti-inflamatory)

Blend! Drink to your health!

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Walking and Water Challenge!

What do you do when you've had a tough week?
You do the best you can!

The last few days have totally been "not normal" . . . meaning that I have been overwhelmed with extra activities added to my already hectic schedule.

It might not be hectic for normal people, but with chronic illness you have to preserve energy. With added activities you have to give up other activities. 

Here is what has been given up . . . 

And you're welcome. It's all clean. Even the load in the dryer. When I finally have time at night to fold these, my energy for the day is gone. The frustrations of Fibro and Chronic Fatigue. My hubster is the best and a very patient man!

I have learned that the work doesn't run away. The trick is to keep up! Be it with laundry, working, or our health and exercise. Keep Up with what is important!

This week was made up of Flying (which makes my body swell and hurt) then spending the day with my coach so I can understand BeachBody and my own coaching better. Then spending time today with two of my daughters and some pretty sweet grandsons, and a cute little granddaughter! I always set aside time for my family, sometimes to my detriment. . . but I just love them too darn much to say no! (hence my problem of finding time for myself!)

I dont need to itemize the rest of my week other than say it includes a third daughter, my cute little 93 year old mom, shopping and a date with the hubster! 

Needless to say, I've been overwhelmed with activity!

I finally felt strong enough to start exercising again after 4 days of not! It felt so good to exercise my core muscles and my shoulders! I have osteoarthritis in my neck, which is one reason I get migraines! It was so nice to not hurt today!


So the ability to exercise gave me the relief I needed and today I had a lot more patience and a desire to get my free challenge group going!

If you would like to join our FREE Health and Fitness challenge group you can go to facebook to join us! everyone is welcome!

I also got thinking about my nutrient-dense shake and realized that with being able to absorb the nutrition my body needs, that it might be doing something with my complexion!

I decided to take a picture and compare it with my before photo...

I didn't expect what I saw!

I was surprised to see a thinner face! Wow!

I also took my measurements when I got home from North Dakota . . . 

I did not expect to lose weight! but I Lost 2 pounds ON VACATION! WHAAAAAT!!!!

Since I started Beachbody and Shakeology four weeks ago, I have lost 6 pounds and 4 3/4 inches! That's amazing seeing as how I have languished healthwise for the last five years. 

This program and eating plan is working!

One thing I did need to change though was starting a new exercise program while finishing my Yoga. Not a great idea! At least not for me. I will be finishing my Yoga before I start on The Shift Shop!

How was YOUR week?

Have you had new challenges?

Have you helped other people?

Have you done any self-Improvement?
(I have a new book on Kindle that was free! I'm excited to read it! It's called "The Go Getter" by Peter B. Kyne)

Have you written down your goals and posted them where other people can see them?

Have you identified your "why"?
WHY are you doing what you're doing?

My WHY is my health. If I don't take care of myself then all the other things that I want don't even matter! 
My second WHY is my Chronic Illness Warrior Community. I see a lot of despair and hopelessness and depression there. It's hard to hurt all the time. I am writing this journey as a pathway of hope for someone. I hope that I can help.

I hope you all have a great day, and when life spins out of control, it's ok to regroup and start again! 


in a blender add:

8-12 oz. cold water
1 scoop Vegan Tropical Strawberry Shakeology
1 small banana
green container carrots
1 tsp honey
scoop of ice

Blend till smooth. Drink to your health!!!

1 red contaner
1 purple container
1 green container

Monday, August 21, 2017

No Harvest if You Don't Plant the Seeds!

I have spent the last week travelling through North Dakota and the rolling hills and beautiful farms. It has been so pleasant and lovely! I love it up here!

I have the opportunity to come up here every once in awhile because the hubster works with the oil fields. While he works, I get to read, paint, sleep, rest, this time - workout, and enjoy the bounty of nature and history while we transverse this beautiful country. 

As I was eating breakfast this morning preparing to fly home, I was reading my scriptures and found these verses that talk about planting seeds, and what you can expect from the harvest from the seeds you plant.

If they are good seeds, then you can expect good things. If they are bad seeds, they won't grow and therefore you won't get anything for all your work. These scriptures also talked about US and how we have to plant our seeds with faith.

When you plant seeds, you have to wait to see if they will sprout. That waiting and patience takes faith. Because right now all you have is a dirt field or plot. . . and a lot of sweat! (And you know how I feel about sweat!)

After the seeds sprout, is the work done? NO! Now the real work starts! Weeding.
If you don't weed that garden and nourish and water those baby plants, they get overcome and they die. Again, if you don't take care of them, no harvest!

Does it end there? Nope!
More water, more weeding, and now you get the little critters that will be so happy that you planted a buffet for them! At least that's how it is at my house on the mountain! I tried a garden the first season we were there. The deer were thrilled. I was pretty pissed off. Now I grow weeds, and I'm very good at it! . . . who are we kidding. I used to tell my boys to go "mow the garden" when they were younger. A green thumb was not in my package of gifts I received at birth!

But I digress...

With enough faith to plant those seeds, care when the seedlings are tender, water and feeding of the plants and fruit of the vine, we finally get to the HARVEST!
Now that we have grown our garden the vegetables and fruits are so happy that you have given them life that they will pluck themselves right from the mother plant and march into your kitchen and preserve themselves! Right????
What? No? What the....

Dang! After all that work you have harvested MORE WORK?
That seems so unfair!
...until winter comes...

Then all that work seems legit. It's worth the sweat and care and time and sacrifice. It is the gift that sustains you, and gives you a better and healthier life. Right?
It gives you options when others might not have as many.
And it brings peace of mind.

Of course, it will bring more work as you use that harvest to make future meals. You might even use it to bless others. But the work is worth it.

Those were my thoughts this morning as I read that story, and reflected on my travels through the farms, and the beautiful fields of sunflowers. 

But what does it have to do with my journey to get healthy?

Well . . . pretty much everything if you think about it.

Don't we all start with a hope (seed) that we can do something to better our health and our lives? We do.
And then we act in faith when we decide to follow on that hope! We WANT something to happen, and we have taken action to make it happen. We have planted the garden, or started the journey, to better our health and our life!

So lets stop. We have taken the actions and we can just hang back now and watch, right? Heck NO! Just like in the garden, our work has just started! I do NOT have a green thumb like my dad did. I know it has to do with weeding! I really don't like weeding. If I could do it once, it wouldn't bother me, but man! Those suckers come up every. single. day. If you don't stay on them, they just ruin the whole garden!
Like weeds, workouts need to be every. single. day. 

I mean....


Weeds can be anything that derails you from your goals. Failure to plan, fear of success (like me), negative thoughts, feeling like you aren't worth the bother, don't want to commit that much time or patience to see results... These are all weeds. Pull them. Stop making excuses and start making results. Be positive and get rid of the weeds! 

Workouts, when one starts, can also be viewed as a weed! 
Weeds with deep roots and are hard to pull out! Exercising our bodies when we first start - especially after being dormant - is HARD WORK! But guess what happens when you pull out those hard weeds? You get stronger. And stronger. And you get stronger than that weed. Your body gets stronger and you can endure the exercises. You might have to take a rest and wipe the sweat off, but you finish that weeding and that workout. And for some reason, just like in the garden, we feel accomplished! There is a FEELING that comes with working out. And with practice that weeding ceases to be a chore, and it becomes a motivation for a great harvest!

So you've started your journey, planted, planned for critters that might derail you and steal your harvest, weeded out negative thoughts, started your workout, and now it's time to feed and water!

Without the right kind of fuel, plants won't grow. Without the right kind of fuel, your body won't be healthy. Period.
  • Stop with the sodas! They are chemicals.
  • Stop with the unnatural sugars! They are addicting, and also chemicals!
  • If you can put it under hot water, and then eat it after, it should be ok to eat! So cake? um... no.
  • Gluten Free Ginger Cookies Erlyn? um.... no. (but they are so good! dang it!)
  • I try to only eat natural sugars. ie; pure maple syrup, raw sugar, raw honey, agave, etc. I know I feel better and not as sluggish when I do this, and my body likes it too. Am I perfect? no. Do I try every day / hour / minute? yes.
  • Eat things in as natural a state as you can get them and afford them. The last time I checked, McDonald's wasn't on that list. Just sayin'
  • I drink Shakeology every day. It is dense nutrition, and is proving to be something that my body can absorb nutrition from! I am seeing it in the energy I have and the ability to do activities for a longer period than I was just a month ago. It is proving to be a great fuel!


Remember to water the garden.

Right now I drink 96 ounces of water a day.
  • I don't include the water I drink during the night because the amount varies depending on if I can sleep. or if I celebrate insomnia once again. (who can get up to pee 100 times per night if you don't drink after every bathroom visit?)
  • Nor do I include the water I add to my dense nutrition shake, the wonderful Shakeology that is making a huge difference in my health! Who knew! Oh wait. My patient coach did. lol. Thanks Cindee!
  • I don't include any other liquid. I only count my water! That is a lot of water! But I do it. And I do it because it's one of my goals. BOOM!
  • Water flushes toxins, makes your skin glow, makes you poop easier, 
  • and I read somewhere that you can be 20 years younger if you drink more water. I plomise! ;o)
  • Drink half your body weight in ounces of water! (yes, you should be drinking that much water EVERY. DAY.

Here's how to find out how much water to drink:

Body Weight divided by 2 = how many ounces you should drink.
150 pounds / 2 = 75 ounces of water or 4 1/2 water bottles
(Oh if I only weighed 150!....)

I can only do plain water so much. I do love to put in natural flavors, and these are some ideas to get you started! My personal favorite is orange, lemon and strawberries. I just put them in a PLASTIC or GLASS container, preferably one that has an infuser included. DO NOT add citrus to metal water bottles. The weak acid will dissolve some of the metal into the water. It tastes nasty and your water bottle will retain that flavor for awhile. . . Don't ask me how I know this information so thoroughly! Just trust me on this one!

So! We now have:

Got the Plan (seeds). Check!
Got the Workouts (Faith = action!). Check!
Weeded negative thoughts. Check!
Got the Food. Check!
Got the Water. Check!
Keeping the critters out???

Here's where getting healthy gets hard. The critters up by me are sneaky little things. You plant something that is supposed to be critter proof . . . which it is . . . but they have to "taste" it. Just to make sure that they don't like it.
Which would be fine if they were the only ones that would take a nibble. But they aren't. EVERYONE has to take a nibble. and they nibble it right down to the roots! The fact that the poor plant has been pecked to the ground caused it to fail and die. Sadly, we are the same way if our personal critters get the best of us!

What are some of the critters in your life that stop you from harvesting and reaching your goals?

 I know some of mine are PEOPLE who want me to spend my time doing things for them or with them when I should be working out or taking the time to eat healthy, or get my rest. Or they don't support my goals, or heaven forbid try to SABOTAGE my efforts. Sometimes that's me, and sometimes that's other people!
Another critter of mine is TIME. I don't take the time to plan ahead. Fibromyalgia has been a curse in this area and has taught me some bad habits! Seems like when I make plans my body laughs and laughs and then I wind up in bed without the energy to make healthy food or exercise. I just lay there and watch my personal critters favorite movies. If I took the time to plan ahead I would be able to eat healthy because the meal prep would be done. That is on the goal-to-do list! I just need to find out what all this "meal-prep-Monday" is about!

So be wary of the critters trying to harm the harvest, or your goals. Sometimes we have to "exterminate" them! Be they thoughts or others - put a little space between harmful behaviors and your goals.

And Finally, the Harvest!
As we traveled, the farmers had mowed the alfalfa and were harvesting it. Beautiful stripes of ocher and burnt sienna flowed over the harvested landscape. Sunflower heads hung heavy with seeds that are almost ready. It was beautiful!

 .... Like the sunflowers, I'm still in my growing season. I'm figuring out what I need to do to achieve my harvest. I am working for the day when I can take my measurements, and weigh myself and look in the mirror at a healthier me. That will be my harvest. After a very long, frustrating, and sometimes lonely growing season! (the last 5 years!)

A few verses that struck me the most on my journey today, are these:

"If ye have faith ye hope for things which are not seen, 
which are true."


"Now, as I said concerning faith - that it was not a perfect knowledge - even so it is with my words. Ye cannot know of their surety at first, unto perfection, anymore than faith is a perfect knowledge.
"But behold, if ye will awake and arouse your faculties, even to an experiment upon my words, and exercise a particle of faith, yea, even if ye can no more than DESIRE TO BELIEVE, let this desire work in you, even until ye believe in a manner that ye can give place for a portion of my words."

and finally - 

"... ye shall reap the rewards of your faith, and your diligence, and patience, and long-suffering, waiting for the tree to bring forth fruit unto you."

And that, my friends is the harvest. Seeing yourself come off victorious! Seeing the results of your labors! And enjoying the accomplishments of the time, workouts, and sacrifices you have made. 

Enjoy the fruits of your labors in your successes!
Plan for maintaining that success by planning for the future and continuing to do the things that brought you that success in the first place! 
Farming isn't a one season thing. It's a lifestyle.
So is living a healthy life!

And just so you know... You ARE worth it!

Have a great day everyone! I hope you enjoyed the Solar Eclipse today! I watched it from the airport while I drank my shakeology and waited for a delayed plane! lol

Shakeology Recipe of the Day:

In a blender bottle:

go to the cafe in the airport and get 8-12 oz cold water and some ice! :)
1 pre-measured scoop chocolate Shakeology with
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp ginger
1/2 tsp nutmeg
1/2 tsp cayenne pepper

Put the lid on and shake, shake, shake while you smile at people walking by because you have delicious Shakeology and they do not! ;)
Smile at the hubster because you have delicious shakeology and he spent $7. on a dry sandwich. Yeah baby!

Drink to your health!

If you would like more information about Shakeology
or Beach Body, please leave a comment or visit my websites.
You can find me at Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest or Instagram.

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Fears and Phobias

Do You Have Any Fears? I sure do!

Among Spiders, Mouse Poop, and HEIGHTS (aaack!) the fear that I don't talk about E.V.E.R. . . 
is my Fear of Success.

I know that's an odd fear. I'm not aware of anyone else that has this fear. I'm totally ok with failure. I just know that I need to try harder or do something different.
I'm not afraid of speaking in front of crowds, be it 10 people or 1000. It just doesn't bother me. 

But being successful? That's another story.
I am a great cheerleader for anyone else, but to cheer for myself is so . . . AWKWARD! 
It feels so weird. So . . . wrong!

In preparing for this blog, I found an awesome blog post about the fear of success. And I have gained some new insight that probably hit the nail on the head . . . 
at least for me.
The author, Kushla Chadwick, talks about 3 subconscious fears of being successful, and the symptoms of having that fear. I think it affects more of us than I suspect.

I think that I have the fear talked about in #1. The Fear of Appearing Un-Spiritual. I was raised with a lot of these scriptures, even though I was raised in a household that didn't attend church, and I live with a hubster that talks constantly about pride and humility. It totally fits into that sub-conscious fear! I have this fear to this day. This is pretty major for me. But with actually realizing what is going on I am willing to work on it.
I wish I had knowledge of how to get past this. But I don't. At least not yet. My ultimate goal is to go to Heaven. I don't ever want to do anything to jeopardize that. I just didn't realize that I wasn't living up to the full "ME". This will take a lot of thinking and pondering on, then a plan of action. Just like getting healthy, this is going to take some work.
Because this information is so new to me, I don't even have a plan of action yet. Just an awareness.

Imagine my amazement in Section #2, The Fear of Standing Out, and finding the quote at the top of this blog post, in this section. About people's deepest fear isn't about being inadequate but being powerful. I have this quote hanging in my craft room. It so fits me. A few years ago I actively decided to overcome this part of the fear of being successful. For years I was happy to hide or stand behind my husband and let him succeed. I hid behind my kids as I cheered them towards their dreams. I hid myself behind service, housework, my health, etc. They were all excuses. And then I was faced with a challenge when I was a Camp Director for our Young Women. One of the activities we had was to follow an example of giving up "sin". Writing that "sin" on a wooden sword, and then burying the swords, thereby burying our "sins".
Mine was a sin of omission, not commission. You can guess that sin, it was hiding behind everyone and not letting my light shine. I gave that up, and it has blessed my life with some amazing opportunities and more amazing people! I am glad that I took that step, but it was a scary step. Now it's a comfortable one, and one that I'm glad I took. That fear was a good one to give up.

Fear #3 is the fear that I think most people can recognize, and one that I think holds us captive to the life we currently live . . . meaning the quest for a healthier us but not taking steps to achieve that health, that we are currently in. Fear #3 is The Fear of Change. It is tough to take first steps, and take responsibility to change our own life. It's scary to change our situations, our lives, and to possibly disappoint someone while we take our journey. What we might not realize is that the people that really care for us are willing to come on that journey with us. Those that are jealous of our journey, or discourage us from changing, probably are in our lives for the wrong reasons. People that are positive towards us, are the people that will support us. Those that aren't should probably leave. . .

I hope you take some time to list those things that you are afraid of. Those things that are keeping you from achieving your dreams and a better life.

I hope that you find a way to work through those fears. I know that I will be doing that in this week. I don't know how long it will take me to work through this, but I am willing to start processing this new knowledge today.

I want to be a healthier me, and that includes accepting myself and my strengths and successes. . . man, even typing that word for me makes me a little anxious right now. But I WILL overcome this mountain! I WILL rise!

I hope that you do too!

Happy Sabbath y'all! Minds, Bodies and quests deserve a rest! Make yours count!


If you would like more information about Shakeology
or Beach Body, please leave a comment or visit my websites.
You can find me at Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest or Instagram.