Sunday, November 12, 2017

A Quick Post...

Just a quick post! - no pretty pictures today!

I have been doing an experiment on my health using BeachBody/Shakeology products. I lost 10 pounds in a month, (but nothing since - although the inches are less) and the Shakeology gave me added energy, although it didn't take away the pain or flares of my Fibromyalgia. 

For the last three weeks I have been in a pretty ornery flare, with a lot of nausea, sweats and chills, pain, back spasms and fatigue. While I did drink the shakeology during this time, it didn't take any of the symptoms away, or improve them that I could tell. It did however give me good nutrition during the times that I couldn't cook or feel like getting "real food" besides a nutritional supplement. 

I was so hoping that this would be a magic bullet and that all my wildest dreams of being healthy again would come true. Sadly, that wasn't my experience. At least not totally. And not enough to continue to spend $130 month on a nutritional supplement. 

I am continuing my subscription to the Beach Body on Demand though, as I like their yoga programs. I will re-visit the program question when my year subscription is up next July. Until then I'll enjoy the yoga programs. I find that they are gentle like I need, and I like how I can change up my workouts. I do feel stronger when I exercise. . . when I have enough energy to do it! Not so much the last three weeks. 

While I am sad that I didn't find something that would work long term through Beach Body / shakeology, I am not through fighting. I have learned that I feel better when I am active, but that I need to do gentle exercises for my body. I have learned that I need to eat well and clean, and that water, water, water is a key to detoxing my body and keeping weight off. I have learned that there are awesome people in the world that I didn't know before, and I love celebrating their weightloss milestones with them, and seeing them regain their health. I just can't keep up with them. And I was stressing myself out trying to!

I have learned better how to pace myself. . . a never ending lesson! I have learned that I need to put my health on a front burner instead of the back burner, and that's it's ok to make time for myself to be healthy. I have also learned that there are a lot of Fibro-Warriors out there that are looking for the very thing that I am looking for. 

And like you, I am not done fighting. I am not done looking for something to give me back my life. I am also not done writing this blog! Let's just say that I am just getting started!

While the blog may go through a metamorphosis, it will still follow my health and things that I am trying. Since this blog is ad-free, I don't feel a "need" to write when I don't feel well. So there may be times that this blog will go into a lull, but I'm not going away. I have found that the voices out there that speak to Fibro-Health are few at best. The news is old, and pinterest has all the same old articles with new pictures on them. But I am willing to share what I find, when I find it.

With that said, I hope that everyone has a wonderful day. I hope that you stay positive, and know that someone is praying for all of us that struggle with Chronic Illnesses. (it's me). 


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